A unique proprietary formula that has been tested and re-tested by Rainbow and valuable customers like you. Enhances glass cutting with better lubrication and scoring, especially on hard-to-cut glasses and inticate pieces.
Full 8oz - Value Prices
Easy-Pour Turret Cap - No Spills
Water Soluble - Natural Oils
Non-Toxic - Enveronmentally Safe
For All Glass Cutters
For all your stained glass projects. Thoroughly removes grease and residue from all flux and solder. Prevents oxidation from improper cleaning. Prepares surfaces to allow bright, shiny finish for patina treatment.
Professional Strength
Environmetally Safe
Available in 8oz, 16oz and 1gal Containers
Non-Hazardous - Can be Shipped via UPS/FedEx
Easy to Use Turret Cap
5104 Pegasus Court, Suite F
Frederick, MD 21704
Phone: (800) 462-1209Fax: (800) 231-5422
Email: supplies@anythinginstainedglass.com Web: anythinginstainedglass.com1440 W. 52nd Ave.
Denver, CO 80221
Phone: (800) 525-0940Fax: (303) 442-3429
Email: info@dlartglass.com Web: dlartglass.com3380 E. Jolly Rd.
Lansing, MI 48910
Phone: (800) 248-2048Fax: (517) 394-5364
Email: sales@delphiglass.com Web: delphiglass.com27625 Diehl Rd.
Warrenville, IL 60555
Phone: (800) 323-5668Fax: (800) 836-1362
Email: info@edhoy.com Web: edhoy.com222 East Sycamore St.
Columbus, OH 43206
Phone: (614) 221-2972Fax: (614) 221-5223
Email: info@franklinartglass.com Web: franklinartglass.com6272 Notre Dame Street, West
Montreal, Quebec Canada H4C 1V4
Phone: (877) 363-7855Fax: (877) 398-7859
Email: theglassplacemail@gmail.com Web: glassplace.com9003 151st Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: (800) 888-9444Fax: (800) 231-5422
Email: sales@nwartglass.com Web: nwartglass.com603 8th Street
Whitehall, PA 18052
Phone: (800) 523-4242Fax: (800) 523-5012
Email: info@warnerstainedglass.com Web: warnerstainedglass.com825 Market St.
Rockland, MA 02370
Phone: (800) 262-1790Fax: (800) 231-5422
Email: info@whittemoredurgin.com Web: whittemoredurgin.com111 Industrial Pkwy.
Buffalo, NY 14227
Phone: (800) 828-7159Fax: (716) 668-2932
Email: info@sunshineglass.com Web: sunshineglass.com303 Vance Jackson
San Antonio, TX 78201
Phone: (210) 733-8161 Email: tx@cavallini.glass Web: cavalliniartglass.com